ESGAUGE Introduces Dataset on Anti-Takeover Measures

ESGAUGE released today its Russell 3000 dataset on anti-takeover practices. The suite adds to the help-desk service offerings that ESGAUGE has designed to support advisors to the U.S. public companies on corporate governance matters.

The dataset covers the S&P 500 and Russell 3000 indexes of SEC-registered corporations. It includes data on:

  •  Dual and multiple-class stock.
  • Blank-check preferred stock.
  • Charter and bylaw amendment rules, including supermajority vote requirements and thresholds.
  •  Classified board structures, including classified term length, source of classification provisions, and removal of classified board members without cause.
  •  Limitations to other shareholder rights, including right to call special shareholder meetings and action by written consent.
  • Election to opt-out of anti-takeover statute.
  • Advance notice provisions, including advance notice time window and period, parameters to which period is tied, and informational requirements.
  • Poison pills, including pills in force, features (flip-in/flip-over, chewable permitted offers, dead hand, adverse person, and TIDE provisions), adoption date, expiration date, trigger threshold percentage, exercise price, rights per old share, new shares per right, name of issuing stock, shareholder approval and fiduciary-out provisions.
  • NOL poison pills.

ESGAUGE is the premier data mining provider for the corporate advisory firm. We support compensation consultants, auditors and legal advisors seeking peer comparative information on SCT components, incentive plan design and metrics, and pay-for-performance analyses.

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